Bible Journaling
Journaling the Word is the prayerful practice of pausing to reflect on a verse or section of Scripture, a devotion, or sermon notes to consider:
· What is God asking, promising, teaching?
· How does it relate to my life right now?
· What do I want to remember?
· What are my “marching orders”?
It also includes adding a response in the margin or on the page:
lettering a truth from the verse to remember
creating an image or a “take away” word or phrase to help with remembering the message
summarizing notes, adding a prayer, or some other creative addition
simply taking the time to slow down and reflect on God’s Word as you write out a passage
This "visual faith tool" is a way to remember His Word for your own benefit and to be able to share it in conversation with others.
Bible Journaling in the Margins
The Bible is God’s inspired Word – a TEXT full of grace and love to you.
Think of the margins as your invitation to text back your response of love, gratitude, praise, or devotion.
Adding a date to your pages creates a story of your spiritual journey - and leaves behind a legacy of faith
for your children and grandchildren.
Words, Words, and more WORDS! Typography is the art and technique of arranging type to make written language legible, readable, and appealing when displayed. The arrangement of type involves selecting a font, letter sizes, line and letter spacing. The term typography is also applied to the Bible journaler who uses words as a focus in their response to God’s Word. In the margins of a Bible, color may be added to simply highlight a piece of the text as significant for the journaler or reader. Words may be hand-lettered, traced, stamped, or added with stickers.
How would you illustrate a passage in the margin of your Bible? Adding an image to reinforce a section of Scripture helps to cement that for us to remember. Images can be traced or drawn freehand, simple or elaborate, and often include words or phrases (typography). Drawn images might stay within the margin or spill over into the page. Image margins may also be printed to trace or attach into the margin.
In Bible journaling, collage materials include magazine or bulletin cut-outs, vellum, paper doilies, notecards, photographs, stickers, tags, paper napkins, and more. Acrylic paint, watercolors, gelatos, and other art supplies are often part of the process. After reading and reflecting on a portion of God’s Word, the collage Bible journaler might respond with color and “found materials” that express personal emotion and meaning, connecting God’s faithfulness with their own life story.