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The Movable Adventure: How’s It Going?

Just a few days ago, we saw the launch of The Movable Adventure. By now, you’ve had time to sample some of the videos and resources that come with the package. You’ve taken those first few steps on the path of spiritual transformation. Perhaps you haven’t even opened the program yet. Your surprises still await. Either way, you’re on the path with hundreds of other people who have taken advantage of this far-reaching opportunity.

So, how’s it going? This is a truly new learning experience, and each participant is going to approach Movable in their own way. That’s the beauty of this spiritual offering. You get to decide how you want to appropriate the material. One thing we know for certain; there’s so much material that comes with this experience and you won’t be able to take it all in quickly. Movable is designed to be embraced slowly and thoughtfully, taking time to meditate on God’s Word with your art supplies or your notebook in hand. You get to design your own learning experience.

Or perhaps you are working through the material with a small group. That is outstanding. Learning in community is a delightful way to grow. The wisdom, questions, and challenges of those in your group will only enhance what you are learning. And don’t forget that your wisdom and knowledge can be a true blessing to someone else. If you are struggling with the motivation to engage in the material, gathering with a small group can give you the accountability you need to keep going.

We’re here to help you have the best experience possible. If you have any questions, please use the “chat” space on the website. We will get back to you within 24 hours and are happy to help with anything that we can. Also, you can always send in prayer requests to Those emails go directly to the prayer team, and they will respond to you within 24 hours as well.

Now, if you are one of those who didn’t sign up before the November 2 deadline, you still haven’t missed out. You can still access the entire program by buying a ticket for $79. Just go to and follow the prompt at the top of the page. It is not too late!

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