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Visual Faith Blessing in Christmas Worship


Meet Visual Faith® Artist Rachel Hinz. When first asked to do a painting project for the Christmas services at her church, she was really excited. “I’ve always been thankful for how our church approaches ministry. We believe God comes to us in Word and Sacrament, and from there we try to intentionally engage the whole person - recognizing all the ways people learn and stay focused. I especially appreciate this as a visual learner. I’ve done projects for some of our other events, but never a service and never a Christmas service!”

She met with Worship Director Jonathan NaThalang in October, and he pitched the idea for a series of paintings to accompany the narration of the Christmas story. After some sketches and tweaking, and finally a long filming session (and then some!), the painting project was complete and is in post-production.

“This project will frame our Christmas Eve Services in a unique, inspiring, and thought-provoking way that Pathfinder Church hasn’t seen before. The beauty of each brush stroke will be paired with a narration, preparing the hearts and minds of our attendees to receive God’s richest gifts at Christmas,” said NaThalang (pictured here filming in the studio).

This painting is a mini-version of the second painting in Rachel's series - an early version that has changed somewhat but is still a glimpse of the colors and general layout which will be used during worship.

“This project was a huge undertaking and easily the most difficult paintings I’ve ever done, especially with the timed component. But I’m so humbled to have done it and hope that all who see will be inspired to meditate deeper on God’s Word and the miracle of a God who came to us, comes to us, and will come again for us. To God be the Glory!” (Rachel Hinz)

Rachel shares this "sneak peek" of one of her finalized paintings - a beautiful example of visual faith, created to draw hearts and minds to Jesus, the Light of the World!

Do you have a church home?

Are you interested in seeing more beyond

Rachel’s “sneak peek”?

Rachel invites you to join Pathfinder Church at 11:00 AM CST on December 24th for this Christmas Eve morning worship service -

You can also use this link to connect later if you're interested in seeing how her paintings are used during this worship service.

Coloring pages for participants to color along with the painting will be available on the landing page of their church website on Christmas Eve:

Rachel expresses thanks to her church for their encouragement of the arts!

- and for Jonathan NaThalang, Seth Hinz who created the coloring pages,

Tech Director Brendan Schmidt and graphic designer Kyle Westmoreland

+ + +

Visual Faith® Ministry encourages a life of gratitude, and adds that we are also grateful

to you, Rachel, for sharing your God-given talent and this"visual faith story."

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Dec 20, 2022

So wonderful!!Such a terrific addition for those who "hear" the story of our Lord better visually. You are a blessing to them and to the Visual Faith Ministry community. Thank you for sharing the story!


Susan E Harman
Susan E Harman
Dec 20, 2022

Awesome! Love it!


Dionne Lovstad-Jones
Dionne Lovstad-Jones
Dec 20, 2022

Rachel! This is amazing! Thank you for blessing VFM, us and the Church with your talent and vocational calling!

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