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The Lord's Prayer

The Lord's Prayer


This format for the Lord’s Prayer separates each of the six petitions and places them separately on the hexagon space. Scripture references connect to each of the petitions. One way to use this prayer tool is to have the Lord’s Prayer as an outline for all of your prayers. You can pick a person or situation and use each petition as part of your prayer time, moving from petition and shape as you pray.. The visualization of your prayer time helps to keep both focus and continuity. The shapes can as be used as a starting place for adding words or doodles around each shape as your pray to keep your attention. The words of Jesus about prayer from John 17 support each of the petitions to extend the prayer focus.

  • Specs

    This is an 8.5x11 inch pdf file. We suggest printing this resource on cardstock or regular paper.

  • Possible Uses

    This is a great educational resource.

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