Members of the Visual Faith® Ministry team were blessed to recently lead an event at St Paul Lutheran Church and School in Ann Arbor, Michigan. DCE Lexie Brown pulled the event together and coordinated a Visual Prayer 101 experience for about 45 attendees.
VFM TEAM Left to Right- Carolyn Bira, Laurel Livingston, Leigh Hollman, Ann Gillaspie, Connie Denninger, Jessica Meier, Laura Schumacher and Teresa Davis.

A fun beverage station greeted the guests as well as a variety of breakfast treats.

There were a variety of prayer practices introduced for the gathering. These included: secret code prayer, stain glass prayer, and praying Scripture. Carolyn Bira taught a session with the Prayer of Lament.

Five minute prayer experiments helped to make connections with visual-kinesthetic learners. It is always interesting when people want "more time to pray."

We had time for thoughtful listening and reflection and fun "get-to-know you" conversations.

Prayers of lament were covered with beautiful images and a Psalm verse blessing. Such a wonderful tool for real life living. Some even mentioned the idea of a whole Lament Journal.

A long break gave attendees enough time to check in with Visual Faith® coaches and ask questions about the Show-N-Tell items.

Leigh Hollman and Ann Gillaspie had a fun Make and Take -Praying the Stitches project. There are so many medium choices for engaging in prayer practices.

Ideas were swirling for ministry impact. We always learn from those who come to any event. Creativity abounds when the Holy Spirit is invited right into the movement of spiritual formation.
Thank you Lexie Brown for the opportunity to come and share with your community! It is always a blessing when the team is Out and About and get to meet new friends.
This is wonderful! I would have come if i had known about it. Please let meknow if you have another wonderful gathering like this in Michigan!
Oh, how I do wish you would do this in Central California! What a wonderful event!