A mom recently stopped me after a worship service and asked if her son could show me his Bible. Certainly! I soon met Robert and he showed me his journaling Bible with the notes, underlining, highlighted verses and notes taped in for good measure. That led to a zoom meeting with Robert Brown so I could lean more of the story.
Robert shared that he wanted to read his Bible more. His mom, Christy, suggested a Journaling Bible and gifted him with that resource. Robert's favorite place for studying his Bible is on his bed. It is a safe place with room to spread out all of his sources. Currently, he is using a Life Application Bible, a Cultural Bible, his journaling Bible and the Lutheran Study Bible. Basics tools he likes are highlighters and Salt and Light Bible pens that he got for Christmas.

Robert's family is military. When they were living in Germany he talked to his pastor about becoming a pastor. "Read 1 Samuel. Robert, read 1 Samuel." said his pastor. This Sophomore in high school is praying about going to the seminary. When I asked Robert about his faith journey he had some specific points to consider that have been helpful to him. Take your Bible to church. Add your sermon notes. Serve in your church. He helps as acolyte and sings with HIMnals- the youth choir at his church- Prince of Peace Lutheran in Springfield, Virginia. Listen to Christian music.

One of the challenges we have at Visual Faith® Ministry is crossing both the gender barrier and the generational barrier. A young man deeply engaged with time in his Bible is both hope and encouragement to our whole community. Robert said that his journaling Bible gives him the space to connect all the dots of what he is reading and thinking about as he studies. His notes and take aways become the actual story of his faith formation and a testimony to God's faithfulness. His Bible becomes a legacy story.This process of putting the learning together both visually and kinesthetically also gives him time to pray and pray for what is important. What I loved about Robert's story is that he has adapted a simple plan that- works for him- to combine his prayer, devotional and worship life experiences. Maybe it is time to try something new that makes good sense for YOU!
PS. I received many requests asking about the kind of Journaling Bible that Robert has in this blog post. I am sharing that here. On Amazon check out the Beautiful Word NIV Journaling Bible.

Love this faith story and the variety of resources he used!! Blessings on his path!
Thank you, Robert, for sharing your story!
What a wonderful example he is setting for his peers! Keep at it will be my prayer for him.
Great to see this. I was pleased to learned there are over 50 students in a high school Bible study in my area. Love seeing God moving in our younger generation.
How wonderful! This Bible will serve as a real resource for him in the future. Thank you for sharing.