An old seed packet display holder from a hardware store in Marshall, Michigan started it all. I began randomly collecting postcards over 50 years ago when they were 4 for a $1. I loved reading the messages on the back. When I added 3 daughters years later, it would keep them occupied at a card display to pick out their 4 while I browsed. I have learned a bit about them and will share that with you, since we have 3 sets in the VFM Shoppe that have been shared with our community.

Sending postcards began in the late 1890's and they were often these monochrome ones. I probably passed by hundreds of these because I was looking for the brightly colored ones, not realizing these were probably the oldest ones. They were often printed in Germany.

Once the color images hit the market, the custom of sending an Easter (and Christmas) greeting fueled the market with the reasonable postage rate. 1902- 1914 became the era of mass produced postcard greetings and Germany, Austria and Saxony led the charge for publishing. Even English companies printed their cards in Germany. Christian symbols and words were prevalent as well as the connected popularity of all things Spring and New Life- bunnies, chicks, lambs and flowers. These cards are often credited with marketing some of the very images that are still influential for Easter today. These cards are available in the Shoppe HERE: https://tinyurl.com/4jnymfz8

Then World War I changed the world and supply diminished and so did the sending. American companies
sought to meet the demand, but attention was centered else where in the world. There was also the burgeoning business of Polish immigrant- Jacob Sapirstein. This son of a rabbi founded American Greetings in 1906 and began the distribution of greeting cards. Greeting cards actually date to an early Chinese expression of new year greetings, but this company began the wave for American culture. This set of cards are in the Shoppe HERE:https://tinyurl.com/yckemac2
I especially love images with crosses and Christian symbols and these cards are great for making your own cards, journaling and mixed media. Printing on cardstock works well for display and regular copy paper is good for journaling and mixed media. There is just something special about passing along the images that have been blessing Christian communities for over a hundred years. Tuck one into a place setting for an Easter dinner celebration.

My sister Teresa Davis has also shared some from her own collection. These are all in public domain since they are are all over 100 years old. Set Number Three can be found HERE: https://tinyurl.com/yc35zrmy
Enjoy crafting and display to share Easter greetings with your loved ones and share the Good News! Jesus Christ is Risen today! I know that My Redeemer Lives! He is Risen!
I have some like these....somwhere....I'm such an unorganized collector!! Thanks for sharing these!!
Thanks for these. I have printed them off and will be using them as thankyou cards for those who served over the Easter weekend.
What a delightful hobby! Thank you for sharing, Have a blessed Easter!