paths for exploring spiritual transformation

everyone is on a Spiritual path
Have you ever wondered if your spiritual life can be more?
More peace
More joy
More room for God in your life?
Have you ever wondered why life is so difficult sometimes?
Struggles emerge
Pain assaults
Fears take over
And God feels distant?
Have you ever wanted to be changed?
To be present with God more consistently,
To enjoy a vibrant prayer and worship life,
To serve God with all that He has created in you,
To know you are following Jesus, rather than going your own way?
The Movable Adventure is made to address these spiritual life issues.
God has already established pathways and practices that can help.
Join The Adventure as together, we walk with the Lord and allow His Spirit to transform us.
Jesus says, “I am the Way, the Truth, and the Life.
No one comes to the Father except through Me.”
John 14:6

embrace your spiritual transformation journey
We’ve gathered encouraging stories of transformation from 39 people
to share their journey with Jesus in 40+ videos.
4 Pathways - Personal, Household, Community, and Digital
A downloadable Adventure Journal with valuable tools and exercises
for practicing spiritual disciplines is included or
you can order a printed "Movable Adventure Journal - A Visual Faith Companion to the Online Experience" from Lulu.
This Movable Adventure is about spending time in God's word that transforms prayer lives, movement in our family faith formation stories, learning in our
discipleship communities and a passion to serve as digital missioners.
This Adventure has 4 Pathways
Personal Pathway …
Is Change Possible?
We do not live static lives. We are dynamic beings, ever-changing for the positive or the negative. This Personal Pathway of Spiritual Transformation is filled with His Word and creative prayer practices that will move you ever closer to the Lord. We begin with a deep dive into the theme verse for this Adventure with a Bible Study on Romans 12:1-2.
"I appeal to you therefore, brothers, by the mercies of God, to present your bodies as a living sacrifice,
holy and acceptable to God, which is your spiritual worship. Do not be conformed to this world,
but be transformed by the renewal of your mind, that by testing you may discern what is the will of God,
what is good and acceptable and perfect." - Romans 12:1-2
Devotional Journaling, Verse Mapping, Praying Scripture, and Lectio Divina
point you to multiple practices for spending time in the Word.
Households of Faith Pathway …
Discover why households matter and the biblical understanding of the household.
Explore ways for families on the go to connect together in daily life and how to nurture faith
within the household. What is a spiritually vibrant household? Learn how to
create a legacy with faith milestones and seasonal celebrations applicable to all life stages.
Community Discipleship Pathway …
What's Your Next Step?
Exploring faith practices in neighborhoods, classrooms,
and in your local church settings. Find out how to
create a Hope Table in your neighborhood. Learn about tools for
Confirmation instruction, Visual Faith Application for the Lord's Prayer,
and Small Group Extensions.
Digital Pathway …
Following Jesus Online - What's the Shape of your Digital Witness?
Transformational stories about how to use
Procreate, Facebook, Instagram, Pinterest, and Zoom as platforms for
your digital faith witness. Join a movement of like-minded Christians who
want to shine their digital lights in a dark world.
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let your adventure begin
What is the Holy Spirit doing in your life?
The Movable Adventure was created to assist you
in discovering your growing faith journey.
"The Holy Spirit works through our brokenness ...
that is an open door for the Holy Spirit's transformational process."
Connie Denninger
Visual Faith tools provide an outline for faith formation
that may become a practice
that then becomes a lifestyle
that can help transform us into
apprentices of Jesus -
through the gifts of the Holy Spirit.
Begin your adventure by committing
your path to the Lord's care.
Step out in faith and see where He leads you!

let your adventure begin
How’s your heart - conformed by the world or transformed by God?
The Holy Spirit is able to accomplish a heart renovation
through a lifelong process called Spiritual Formation.
Spiritual formation is the process of being transformed
into the image of Christ
for the glory of God and for the sake of others.
We invite you to join us for the Movable Adventure.
Participate in God's leading as He draws us closer to Himself.
Inspiration and encouragement incorporating visual faith practices
will enhance your Movable Adventure
in God's Spiritual Transformation process.
Lifetime access to all four pathways:
Personal, Household, Community, and Digital
with new resources, Bible Studies and
more added over the year adventure.
The Movable Adventure

Your journey begins now! You don’t have to know what your next step is or how you’re going to implement these practices in your life. Just start with joining the adventure and let the details become evident with these 4 pathways. You'll have access to all 41 videos from over 39 speakers.

Movable Adventure speakers were hand picked based on their relatable experiences, expertise, and teachable hearts. Their knowledge and passion for spiritual transformation practices offer great encouragement. Our speakers are bringing you real-life stories filled with grace-laced successes. Everyday disciples in multiple seasons of life, give you hope that change and movement is possible.

There are no live classes or dictated schedules to limit participation. You can watch anywhere with an internet connection. You can access the Movable Adventure from your tablet, phone, or desktop. The presentations will be available online at your own convenience.

You don't have to have artistic talent to engage in visual faith practices. Yet, there are unlimited opportunities for creative expression. Our team has been right where you are - desiring a powerful and rejuvenated spiritual life. They will show you how you can use practices and resources to meet you right where you are to try something new.
Join the Visual Faith® Facebook group and follow VFM on Instagram and Pinterest. You're invited to share your thoughts, experiences, transformation stories, and feel the genuine care and encouragement in our Visual Faith® Ministry community. This is not required, just encouraged if you use these platforms.

This is a no-theory zone! Speakers are seasoned, genuine practitioners that use visual faith tools. They provide stepping stones of exploration, offered as a non-sequential design that is open to the Holy Spirit's leading. The possibilities are endless for the impact on your life, your family, your community, and your digital witness.
The adventure has begun!
Start painting right away!All sessions are
All sessions are pre-recorded so you can participate at your own pace and speed. No live videos or schedules to worry about.
Feel free to watch them multiple times!
This experience includes stories, practices, resources,
and inspiration for your
personal, household, community, and digital pathways in life.
The entire adventure is hosted on an easy-to-navigate website,
not a social media platform.
"The Movable Adventure Journal -
A Companion to the Online Experience"
is available as a free printable download or
purchase the published journal (coil bound)
on Lulu for $20.00
This experience brings encouragement of
39 everyday disciples living out their faith.
There are no special tools - but a Bible is essential!
Writing, coloring, art supplies are optional.
Lifetime access to all videos and resources.

give yourself permission
While the work of transformation can be difficult, and even painful at times, God has provided all that we need to embark upon this endeavor.
He is in it - and He makes it happen!
The Movable Adventure is not a sprint to the finish line.
It is simply a way for you to continue to grow in your faith.
The Movable Adventure gives you permission to take intentional steps in spending time with God and exploring the gift of faith you have been given.
Spiritual transformation will never be completed on this side of heaven.
But the journey is worth it.
These videos are here for you to watch again and again.
Join us for this incredible adventure.
God has places to take you!

Lifetime access to all four pathways: Personal, Household, Community, and Digital
Additional cost for a "Sharing Permission License" to share videos with others -
Must Purchase Separately

you may be wondering
Do I need high-speed internet?
Yes – it will help alleviate frustration. We have the best support team you'll find, so you’ll receive prompt responses to help you every step of the way.
What supplies do I need to take this journey?
Any version of the Bible, paper, and pencil/pen of your choice to record your takeaways in the Adventure Journal. Some of the technique videos demonstrate creative ways to express your faith and you will find their suggested supplies in the journal. But you don't need anything special to embark on the Movable experience.
How is The Adventure structured?
The Adventure launched Nov. 3, 2021. For those who registered for the free 48-hour access, the personal pathway will be available for you to explore. Anyone who purchases a ticket ($49, $59, or $79) will have complete access to the entire Movable Adventure hosted on the Visual Faith® Ministry website for a lifetime. You can choose any pathway to begin your journey. Take your time watching and processing the individual videos. The Movable Adventure Journal is a companion to the online event and will be available for digital download or hard copy purchase. Little steps are best, begin and keep a record of your journey over the next year.
Are you offering anything free?
You can participate in the Personal Pathway for free from 9:00 am EDT Wednesday, November 3, 2021 to 9:00 am EDT November 5, 2021 for free. If you decide to upgrade and purchase the entire Movable Adventure Journey during these two days the cost is $59. After 9:00 am Friday, November 5, 2021 the price is $79.
Will I have an opportunity to request prayer?
Yes, there is a prayer team that has been actively praying for the Movable Adventure since July 1, 2021. They would love to pray for you too. You can send your prayer request via email to Within 24 hours you will receive acknowledgement from the prayer team.
What if I found out about the Movable Adventure after November 5, 2021?
No worries, we want everyone to be able to join the Movable Adventure at any time, so you can purchase the Movable Adventure Journey for $79.
What if I don't have a personal printer?
The Movable Adventure Journal - A Visual Faith Companion to the Online Experience is available in two ways. Once you pay for your ticket, you will have access to a downloadable PDF file that you can print at home, or have printed at Staples or Office Depot. In addition, you can purchase The Movable Adventure Journal - A Visual Faith Companion to the Online Experience on Lulu (coil bound) for $20.00 (Available NOW).
What are some ways I can use the license in a ministry setting?
The videos and resources from The Movable Adventure could be used in a number of ways including weekly small group gatherings, men's and women's retreats, Sunday morning Bible study, church staff community building, as a youth group devotion, etc. We are happy to help you use the resources in your unique setting!
Can I share/show the videos with my friends or church?
Yes. We are offering a 'Sharing Permission License' for an additional $19 that allows you to share any and all of the videos and resources with your friends, family, or church for one year.
What if I have a tech support question?
You can contact our support team via the "member chat" in the bottom right-hand corner of the website. We will respond as soon as we are able.
Abide Retreat feedback
Our first event in March 2021
"This was the best online event I have ever attended. The speakers were excellent, the videos were so professional and the handouts informative. Thank you for your hard work. I am looking forward to the next Retreat." - Sharron
"I know that I learned of this retreat because the Holy Spirit wants me to use what I will learn here to bring me closer to Him and His abiding love. A great big 'Thank You' to everyone!" - Darlyne
"I’ve been considering how to incorporating discernment processes with ministry teams that I work with. I’m going to incorporate the practices of Secret Code Prayer and Stained Glass Prayer into the opening devotion and prayer segment to give EVERYONE a quiet and focused space to hear directly from God as we embark on visioning and coaching." - Tina
"Bless you for sharing your road maps for my faith journey with my Lord and Savior." - Christine
"I can't wait to mix Bible studies with visual art." - Susan
"Wow! I needed this ABIDE prayer retreat. I have a "must do" list that was trying to distract me...and we all know who is behind this distracting. I am grateful for the planners and presenters for my new phrase "reel me in Lord". I am an "in the margins" sermon note taker who is excited about expanding my visual acuity! Thank you and bless you all!" - Jody
"Was so good thank you. Really enjoyed everything. Want to try out everything at once, just never enough time in the day. So have to learn to slow down and let God lead where He wills." - Pam
"Those sermon notes will forever change your worship service experience!" - Jenny
"I really appreciated your positive spirits and attitudes. You were all so genuine and authentic with sharing your faith life and practices. Job well done!" - Anonymous
"I really liked Eden and Alli’s presentation so I’m trying it out during my morning devotionals. I find it difficult to think of images but hope with practice, my creative juices will start to flow. Thank you so much for this retreat!" - Sherea

Over 6000 contacts
3700 Facebook members
70 Visual Faith®
Ministry team members
4300+ Visual Faith®
1080 Unique Visitors
a month
1720 Site Sessions
a Month
1st Online Retreat March 2021 "Abide" with over 950 attendees
all this in only
5 years!

who is Visual Faith® Ministry?