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2 Chronicles 8: 12-13

In the days of the Old Testament, God’s people observed three main festivals: Feast of Unleavened

Bread (Passover), Feast of Weeks (Firstfruits), and Feast of Booths (Tabernacles). All three

CELEBRATIONS incorporated food, family, friends, and faith. CELEBRATION events since New

Testament times provide additional occasions to gather as a community, with Christmas and Easter being chief among them. The spiritual discipline of CELEBRATION is our Visual Faith Ministry focus for the month of June. It might be easy to conclude that party-going would be an effortless habit to cultivate, but there is more to this spiritual discipline than ordering a cake and color-coordinating the party decor.

Pat Maier, co-founder of VFM, notes that ‘practices and projects, when connected to familiar CELEBRATIONS, create habits and traditions which help with being open to the Holy Spirit’s leading in the things you choose to do and say.’ The Holy Spirit’s work among and within us can change a shindig in a restaurant’s party room into a CELEBRATION among people who share a common bond in Jesus. June is often a month packed full of weddings, graduation receptions, Father’s Day barbecues, and reunions. How can these occasions be framed by the spiritual discipline of CELEBRATION? Pat Maier suggests starting with the “trimmings.” How can you add a faith connection to your special occasions?

Here’s an easy example of beginning with the “trimmings.” As Pentecost is celebrated on June 5, 2022, many congregations will use the color “red” to mark the birthday of the church. Perhaps each member of your family can intentionally wear something red that Sunday? And if someone notices while your family is eating Sunday brunch at your favorite café, you can let them know you’re all wearing red

because your family is CELEBRATING a special birthday. Once you have some Pentecost trimmings in place, noodle around on the VFM website for more ways to observe Pentecost, both as a family and in your personal devotions.

Throughout the remainder of 2022, you’ll notice a monthly emphasis on spiritual disciplines. Your VFM team will be highlighting devotions, resources, Tuesdays@8 events, and Day of Prayer gatherings that will add further depth to the discipline of the month. Please join us as we CELEBRATE, serve, pray,

worship, display generosity, give thanks, and simplify in the months ahead.

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1 commentaire

07 juin 2022

You have a way with words, Jenny - what a gentle yet winsome invitation to be creative in finding ways to CELEBRATE special days in our faith life!

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