Author: Jenny Long- VFM Coach
In response to our most recent newsletter article, a VFM member asked, “How do I get more
information on the upcoming disciplines of SERVICE, PRAYER, and WORSHIP? I am very
interested in these disciplines.”
Such a great question! Curiosity about spiritual disciplines might well be the Holy Spirit’s nudging to expand and strengthen one’s relationship with Jesus. In selecting spiritual disciplines as VFM monthly themes for 2022, it was our intent that each theme would deepen a daily walk with the Lord and create hunger for an even closer relationship with Him. Spiritual disciplines are habits/practices of
mind and heart that shape us as disciples of Jesus. Richard Foster, who has written several books about the disciplines and prayer, offers an explanation using three broad categories:
inward disciplines (such as fasting and solitude), outward disciplines (such as generosity and
simplicity), and corporate disciplines (such as celebration and service). There are so many helpful
resources that will provide a deeper dive. I've listed five that have influenced my own faith walk. Ask
your pastor to borrow a copy, or check your church/public library shelves, or use the Amazon links to
find these titles and more.
Celebration of Discipline by Richard Foster (My former pastor loved this book and often referred to it
during his sermons. This title has become a staple in the lives of thousands of Christians over the last
20+ years.)
The Spirit of the Disciplines by Dallas Willard (Dr. Willard addresses disciplines of engagement and
disciplines of abstinence, reminding readers that they are human beings, not human doings.)
Disciplines for the Inner Life by Bob and Michael Benson (My Bible study group is working through
this book right now. There is one discipline for each week of the year.)
Spiritual Disciplines Handbook by Adele Calhoun (This book is a compilation of over 60 disciplines;
this is the resource that sparked my own journey into the disciplines.)
Encountering God by Kelly Minter (My women’s group just concluded this six-week Bible study
focused on habits of faith through spiritual disciplines.)
In addition to immersing oneself in any of the aforementioned books, another way to learn more is to join VFM for our monthly Day of Prayer event, which is always built around the theme of the month. And – spoiler alert – be the lookout in August for a new project, and subsequent Zoom session on September 27, called Scripture Scribing, which will engage participants in Bible passages based on
the spiritual discipline of the month. These events are free, but registration is required (see the EVENTS tab on our website) in order to receive the Zoom link and resource packet. These online gatherings are always full of good fellowship and prayer, in addition to being a safe and inviting place to ask questions.
The Visual Faith® Ministry leadership team is committed to encouraging members to take the next step
into spiritual disciplines. We look forward to supporting our brothers and sisters in Christ as they
explore these disciplines at Visual Faith® Ministry.