Have you ever had the experience of looking at a child you haven’t seen for a few weeks, and they suddenly seem to be taller, more mature, more engaging? It can be a little shocking and disconcerting, for sure. Maybe you’ve had a similar feeling when looking at the revised Visual Faith website or noticed a significant uptick in the number of resources available. Maybe you’ve participated in one of the many new Zoom events that have cropped up suddenly. That’s because Visual Faith is growing.

Most of you know Connie and Pat, the creative and faithful women who began this ministry outreach. Several years ago, it was just the two of them, some amazing skills, innate talents, and a love for God that made them want to share the Gospel through Visual Faith practices. But those early days are long gone. Now there are over 3,000 members of the Visual Faith family; 76 VFM team members (including coaches, ambassadors, and artists), a huge website with over 2500 resources, live Zoom events, two long-term Bible Study / Visual Faith projects to try, and still more new opportunities coming. Perhaps you’ve clicked on the newest link on the website called The Academy.

Here you will find an ever-growing cache of video lesson and training opportunities for accessing Visual Faith projects and teaching. Maybe you’ve attended one of the Zoom prayer events held by The Prayer Team (currently changing their name to Care and Keeping). These are just a few of the new things taking place at Visual Faith.

As I pondered these growing pains happening in our midst, I had to go to the Scripture and see what God says about growth.
Ephesians 4:15b-16
15b… speaking the truth in love, we are to grow up in every way into him who is the head, into Christ, 16 from whom the whole body, joined and held together by every joint with which it is equipped, when each part is working properly, makes the body grow so that it builds itself up in love.
That word grow comes from the Greek αὐξάνω auxanō; to make to grow, —causes the growth, increasing, spreading.
Building on that concept, in 2 Thessalonians 1:3, we find the word ὑπεραυξάνω huperauxanō; to increase beyond measure: —greatly enlarged.
2 Thessalonians 1:3
We ought always to give thanks to God for you, brothers [and sisters], as is right, because your faith is growing abundantly, and the love of every one of you for one another is increasing.
Our growth has become “hypergrowth”. (Wow! That’s even a word! Spell checker is good with it.) That is what we are experiencing at Visual Faith Ministry right now – we are growing abundantly. And it is a joy to see. Today, you will find numerous new experiences, faith projects, Bible studies, devotionals, and how-to videos at your fingertips. And, as per 2 Thessalonians, the goal of seeing faith grow and love increase remains steady. So, avail yourself of the new resources and experiences that are just waiting for you to try them out and find yet another way to dwell in the presence of our Loving and Gracious Lord. You’ll have some fun and maybe learn something new along the way.
Growing and growing, for sure.....so many wonderful resources, but most of all, we can bring others with these resources, to our Lord, to His word in a personal way with the community around us. The PLUS to this is that we are growing as a community online......sharing the technology resources with others far and wide. Such a blessing to be a part of this expansion! Praising God for all the online and offline friends who share the same goal in His name!